The proposed Bushy Creek Wind Farm is located within the Southern Grampians Shire and touches three local government areas, including the Ararat Rural City Shire and the Moyne Shire.

Click here for the goods and services register.

Bushy Creek Wind Farm - Newen Australian

Tilt Renewables and NewEn are in the very early stages of the development phase of the Bushy Creek Wind Farm, and slowed the progression of development due to appropriateness to continue these activities due to COVID-19 risks. This will be revisited as the situation improves and restrictions lift.

As co-developers, we will make arrangements to meet the neighbours and wider community to obtain feedback and input as soon as the time is appropriate.

Please find further details about the Project below and at


Project Overview

Project status: in development
Maximum capacity: Up to 150 MW (proposed)
Location: 6km north-west of Chatsworth, Victoria
Turbines: Up to 24
Blade Tip Height: Up to 250m
Transmission Connection: 27km of 66kV single circuit transmission line


Tilt Renewables and NewEn have worked together on two projects in the Western Victoria region; the Dundonnell Wind Farm and the  Salt Creek Wind Farm.

Together, Tilt Renewables and NewEn, are in the early stages of co-developing the Bushy Creek Wind Farm, approximately 6km north-west of Chatsworth and 34km north-west of Mortlake, in the south-eastern corner of the Southern Grampians Shire.

The Project site has been chosen for a variety of reasons, including: the wind resource, the geographic position – being away from populated areas, major roads or highways, and its proximity to the Salt Creek Wind Farm substation, enabling access to the electricity transmission network.

Once constructed, the wind energy facility will connect to the  National Electricity Market  (NEM) network via a new approximately  27km long 66kV transmission line to the existing on-site substation located at Tilt Renewables’ Salt Creek Wind Farm (SCWF) near Woorndoo.


Planning and Environment

Tilt Renewables and NewEn are undertaking initial field surveys  and assessments required to inform the indicative layout of the wind farm and the alignment of the transmission line.

These detailed site-specific investigations enable assessment of  the potential impacts of the Project and optimisation of the wind turbine layout to ensure potential impacts are minimised.

During this phase, consideration is given to the various environmental aspects of development such as birds, bats, flora, cultural heritage, shadow flicker, and visual impacts. The environmental assessments will provide essential inputs to the indicative design of the Project in order to minimise any negative social or environmental impacts. Additionally, they will help form the basis for the relevant planning and environmental approvals for the Project. Tilt Renewables is working closely with AusNet Services to investigate the most suitable transmission line corridor with close consideration to the current landscape, ecology and vegetation.


Project Benefits

The Bushy Creek Wind Farm will deliver a range of environmental,
economic and social benefits:

  • Create an opportunity for local employment during construction and full-time staff during its lifespan (~30 years).
  • Enough electricity generation to power up to 30,000 homes each year, or the equivalent of taking up to 53,300 cars off the road.
  • Assist Victoria to meet its renewable energy targets established under the state’s Renewable Energy Action Plan
    • Contribute to the Victorian Government’s legislated VRET targets of 25 percent by 2020, 40 percent by 2025, and 50 percent by 2030
    • Play a role in increasing energy security by contributing to a more diverse energy mix
    • Significant local and regional economic benefits
    • Procurement of local goods and services
  • The development of a Benefit Sharing Plan including a significant annual contribution of funds through the establishment of a community investment fund to support local initiatives, clubs, associations, and needs in the region.
  • Additional regular, reliable, and consistent income stream for farmers


Community Consultation

Tilt Renewables and NewEn are committed to taking a flexible approach to consultation that will seek to understand the communication and consultation needs of the community and respond to these. We are committed to open and honest dialogue with all stakeholders, with an aim to build strong connections with the community and enhance community acceptance and trust in all projects, and in the renewable energy industry as a whole.

We will provide opportunities for the community and stakeholders to ask questions, provide feedback and ideas, and participate in decision making. We will share timely responses and feedback to the community’s concerns, with the intention of using this feedback to positively influence the development of the project where possible.

We will welcome your feedback if you have any concerns or believe you can provide local insight into matters which we should address through the development of the project.


Benefit Sharing 

Tilt Renewables and NewEn are committed to enhancing its host  communities by offering community benefits for all our projects, including the Bushy Creek Wind Farm.

We will work with the community to inform an appropriate Benefit  Sharing Plan to ensure any funding is distributed in a way that addresses key social, economic, and environmental needs in the region, and that is sustainable and supported by the community.

As part of the development of a Benefit Sharing Program for the Project, the landholders, Tilt Renewables and NewEn are committed to developing a community investment fund, run by a  community-led group, to support local initiatives, clubs, associations, and needs in the region.

The community fund will be developed when construction of the Project commences and will operate for the life of the wind farm. Further information relating to benefit sharing will be communicated progressively.

Additionally, there will be a specific Neighbour Agreement Program associated with the Bushy Creek Wind Farm.

Tilt Renewables and NewEn are committed to providing a  Neighbour Agreement Program with the objective of engaging with residents with a dwelling within 2km of a turbine. The details of the Neighbour Agreement Program will be determined following initial engagement with immediate neighbours to the wind energy facility.  The program will be eligible to dwelling owners within 2km of a final turbine location.

Consultation on this will commence as soon as the time is appropriate, and the Program will be implemented following construction.



A Wind Farm brings many direct opportunities for employment to the region during both the construction phase and ongoing
operations once the Wind Farm is commissioned. The Bushy
Creek Wind Farm will create an opportunity for local employment
during construction and full-time staff during its lifespan.

Flow on employment benefits are also achieved as the project brings demand for local business services and consumer goods. Most regions have a range of businesses that will provide services to a wind farm project.

These include:

  • Domestic scale electricians
  • Transport operators
  • Competent machine operators
  • General labourers
  • Quarries
  • Concrete suppliers
  • Accommodation providers
  • Local dairies, pubs, hotels, food service providers


Goods and Services Register 

To register interest in providing goods or services for the Bushy Creek Wind Farm project please click here and complete the form.

Alternatively, you can contact us using our details provided below.



Complaints Handling

Tilt Renewables and NewEn are committed to managing complaints in a transparent and professional manner. Complaints if not handled correctly can undermine trust built with key stakeholders and the community, resulting in significant cost through damage to reputation, fines or operational restrictions imposed by regulatory authorities. Complaints can also however provide an opportunity to improve the way that Tilt Renewables and NewEn conducts their business.

Tilt Renewables has a Complaints Handling Procedure that
outlines how it will receive and handle complaints. All reporting, monitoring and evaluation associated with complaints management for the Project will be in accordance with this procedure.



Newsletters and Fact Sheets

Newsletters are an important part of Tilt Renewables’ and NewEn’s community engagement. Newsletters for the Bushy Creek Wind Farm will increase in frequency as the Project develops.

Visit this page regularly to ensure you receive all updates related to
the Bushy Creek Wind Farm.

To subscribe to our newsletter mailing list, please click here.




For further information on the Bushy Creek Wind Farm please
contact the project team at info [at] or on 0427 768 387

If you have a complaint, please contact us at or on 1800 306 118. 


You can find Tilt Renewables’ Complaints Handling Procedure here.